Isn't twerking just bellydancing to a different beat? I just finished my "classy" twerking workout aka bellydancing and I feel the Divine swirling within and around me. I am pretty sure I have also helped heal the world after my last hip twirl. And the chimmy, please don't let me forget the chimmy which felt like I was on my way to bootyclapping if my booty was a tad larger.
Healing occurs as we allow divine energy, our true essence, to move around unimpeded. As the energy moves it balances imbalances and adds to our greater well-being. Twerking, oops I mean, Bellydancing is also incredibly empowering. If I didn't love being a woman before, I superlove it now. I know I was supposed to be looking sensual in the mirror, but I was cheesing with excitement and joy instead. That is still sensual, right? The Goddess in me says, "Absolutely, you sensual Goddess." *growls* WI just had an idea! Twerk, or for you "ladies", Bellydance and then get a Reiki session. Ooo Wee! I just paused and laid my hands on my sensual body and HOT DAMN! I think I have said enough. Twerk and heal...Twerk and heal.
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December 2017